In the News...

Press Articles (Click on the text to link to the article)

2008 - November Best Practices - Ambulance Transport Safety Summit article
Article about the Ambulance Transport Safety Summit, safety perspectives, and approaches to optimizing safety

2008 - October JEMS - Ambulance Safety article
What you need to know about ambulance safety and standards

2008 - Cleveland Clinic Siren - Ambulance Safety article
Article about S.P.E.A.R.S. event at the Cleveland Clinic on EMS safety perspectives, and approaches to optimizing safety

2008 - EMS Insider, January 2008 edition - Article by Mannie Garza, New EMS Safety Organization & Initiatives Launched
"This is a way to bridge the silos, to bring the expertise from engineering, system design, automotive and ergonomic design together with experts from the EMS community... This is a way to translate the knowledge we have into practice." said Nadine Levick.

2007 - ASSE Press Release, New Technologies Aimed at Improving Driver Safety Tops American Society of Safety Engineers' Improving Fleet Safety Conference in Georgia -
"We need to continue to mitigate risk and improve driver safety by using the technologies available to us now such as electronic driver monitoring and feedback technologies, driver selection processes, and policies and procedures for optimizing transportation safety," said Nadine Levick, CEO of Objective Safety.

2007 - - Ambulance Safety article
Article by Steve Wirth on EMS safety perspectives, and approaches to optimizing safety

2007 - EMS Responder Article - Article by Marie Nordberg
Article and interview with Dr. Levick on the Cost of EMS Crashes

2006 - EMS Best Practices - Interview with Nadine Levick MD
One page outline on EMS safety practices, and approaches to optimizing safety

2006 - EMS Safety - Colorado - 'All of us are ambulance drivers'
An article by Sean Caffrey, EMSAC President, updating Colorado State EMS personnel on EMS Safety Awareness.

2006 - Article in EMS Insider - 'Ambulance Safety Gains Momentum'
A brief article updating on the latest Mobile Medical Transport Safety (MMTS) task force meeting.

2006 - American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Article - Legal Perspectives on the Z15 Standard
There has been significant discussion about the new Z15.1-2006 Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations. Literally hundreds of questions have come into ASSE about this. Adele Abrams, ASSE's advocate in Washington D.C. is an experienced safety and health attorney and the author of this article.

2006 - Transactions Article - ANSI/ASSE Z15 2006 New Fleet Vehicle operations Safety Standard Approved
An article from the Spring edition of Transactions regarding the new ANSI/ASSE Z15 standard for fleet vehicle management safety 'Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations for Fleet Vehicles'.

2006 - New Fleet Vehicle Safety Standard Now Available, March 16th, 2006
A new fleet vehicle management safety standard is now available for purchase from the American Society of Safety Engineers (ANSI/ASSE) Z15.1 Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations for Fleet Vehicles.

2006 - New Fleet Vehicle Safety Standard Approved, February, 22, 2006
A new fleet vehicle safety standard has just been approved by the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z15.1 Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations for Fleet Vehicles to help reduce roadway crashes and the high costs associated with them.
This new standard provides guidelines for developing a vehicle safety program for employers with one vehicle or a fleet of hundreds, and EMS vehicles are included in the scope of the standard.

2006 - IAFC article, February 2006
.."Everyone Goes Home"
A safety awareness article written by Fire Chief, Jerry Rhodes, Denver, after the Colorado State EMS Advisory Board presentation in January 2006

2006 - Merginet article, February 2006
..Safety Advocate Suggests Helmets for EMS Workers
An article outlining recent research for enhancements to optimize EMS provider safety

2006 - EMS Best Practices article, February 2006
..Safer Ambulance and Occupant Protections Being Designed
A detailed article regarding the need for integration of EMS with Automotive Safety Technology and Infrastructure

2006 - JEMS Article on Head Protection presentation at APHA 2005, American Public Health Association Congress presentation, PPE Session, Philadelphia
Head protection: Are there solutions for EMS? ..Nadine Levick, MD,MPH.

2006 - NAEMSP 2006 Preliminary Program ... Nadine Levick, MD,MPH. Where is the state of the art in EMS Transport Safety?
NAEMSP Conference Info

2005 - Inside OSHA Newsletter, October 2005 ...references to Nadine Levick's presentations at the 2005 World Occ. Health and Safety Conference A detailed article regarding the issues of Occ. Health and Automotive Safety Standards in EMS and the new Z.15 ASSE Standard

2005 - Injury Grand Rounds, Center for Injury Research, University of Pittsburgh Tuesday, June 14, 2005 @ 2:00 pm (EDT). Nadine Levick, MD, MPH Director of Research, Emergency Department, Maimonides Medical Center ...
2005 CIRCL Webinar Flyer

Cochrane Prehospital and Emergency Health Field: Article The following ‘Webinar’ took place on Tuesday June 14, 2005. For those of you who missed it ... Nadine Levick, MD, MPH Director, Division of Research
Cochrane Collaboration Prehospital and Emergency Health Field Link

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) 2003 Newsletter Dr. Levick is the first physician to receive the International Society of Automotive Engineers Womens Leadership Award
SAEM 2003 Article

International Society for Automotive Engineers (SAE) 2003 Press Release Dr. Levick is the recipient of the WEC/Breed International Society of Automotive Engineers Womens Leadership Award
SAE 2003 Press Article